Justin Bieber & Selena Gomez

Can we start the “Selena Gomez is a lesbian” rumors now? These are new photos of Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez going on their “second date” in Miami over the weekend. Selena is 18 years old – The Bieb is 16 years old. So if Selena is not a lesbian (she’s not), then she’s a “cougar”. And this whole thing has a whiff of PR, of course, although I have to give it to Bieb – he’s consistent. The boy loves darker women. His celebrity crushes include women like Kim Kardashian and Beyonce and now Selena Gomez. He’s not one of those “give me a blonde” type of boys. As for Selena… I’m kind of disappointed in her. Unlike the Mileys and Demi Lovatos of the world, I really bought that Selena was a nice young lady with a good head on her shoulders.
